TF Feldmann bellows – fitting for any purpose

We guarantee to offer the ultimate solution for any given environment.

Stocked goods:

Due to our extensive stocks, we are in the position to satisfy the bulk of your demand in bellows. Delivery can be affected promptly and reliably.

Stock information:

System Bellows:

According to your requirements, build your own compilation of individual bellows from our extensive components and fittings.
This is the place to find models topping our stock offerings considerably.

System bellows:

Bellows in all shapes:

On our workfloor, we can also offer bellows tailored to your specific requirements and manufactured in various materials and models.

Product configurator:

Whether you decide on our vulcanized bellows, rubber disk bellows, leather bellows or slipway covers, our stock programme leaves nothing to be desired. We supply bellows in all requested designs, dimensions and materials. The most common designs are:

  • Round
  • Oval-conical shaped
  • Rectangular
  • Square
  • Two-way folded

We produce the best-suitable customized bellow for any specific application regarding material property, environment or requested geometry.
Our large choice of materials ensure almost limitless applications. We can also fit our bellows with zip or Velcro fasteners for subsequent installation.

We are looking forward to your enquiry!

We appreciate to give you technical advice on our products as well as your product enquiry.

Just give us a call or let us know in writing about your requests.

phone +49-208-305526-0 facsimile +49-208-305526-29

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